Contact Us

Accurate and complete information is very important when a parent is faced with the circumcision decision. We provide information to parents and childbirth professionals about the medical facts, ethical considerations, and sexual implications of circumcision.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have, as well as hear your comments about the web site or our efforts in Colorado. We would especially like to hear from you if you're interested in helping to bring awareness of this issue to other people in our state.

Scot Anderson

Scot Anderson

Dolores Sangiuliano

Dolores Sangiuliano

Colorado Springs:
Craig Garrett

Craig Garrett

Colorado Advocates for Body Integrity and Children's Rights (Colorado ABC) is an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to securing the birthright of male, female, and intersex children and babies to keep their sex organs intact.

Colorado ABC exists to serve a wide range of persons potentially impacted by the practice of circumcision, specifically: expectant parents and their families; medical, mental health, and childbirth professionals; lawyers, legislators, and educators; circumcised and uncircumcised adults, children, and babies; and others.

As an organization dedicated to disseminating comprehensive and accurate information about circumcision and genital integrity, Colorado ABC distributes a wide range of pamphlets, articles, and audio-visual materials, some available in Spanish. Additionally, we are a resource center for speakers, referrals, and research on questions about circumcision.

Colorado ABC raises awareness of:
* the harms and lack of medical necessity of circumcision of minors, especially of newborns
* the normalcy and healthy function of unaltered genitalia
* the ethical right of all children to be free from non-consenting and unnecessary alteration of their bodies

Colorado ABC gives a voice to:
* adults and children who have been harmed by circumcision
* parents who regret having circumcised their sons without adequate information
* professionals who are conscientious objectors to the performance of non-therapeutic circumcision in their clinical settings

Funds raised by Colorado ABC are used to support activities that further the above mission, primarily printing costs and exhibiting costs.